Datavan Trailers
Wildcat has long been associated with the vehicles used in oil and gas production. We are well acquainted with the various pieces of equipment that every well must have to successfully produce. One of the key vehicles is the Datavan. We have years of experience building these special vehicles. The Datavan Trailer is the most common configuration for this vehicle, most often a 44’ fifth-wheel trailer towed by a semi tractor. It is fully equipped and ready for drilling operations. These trailers are built to withstand the rough duty seen in the oil fields, yet remain easy to maintain and clean. Furnished with operator consoles and workstations, equipment racks, kitchenettes, VIP seating, and cable reels for the signal cables, each Datavan presents itself in a highly professional look, while performing its function flawlessly. Wildcat Mobile Technologies has lots of experience refurbishing these vehicles, and now builds them brand new too.
Datavan Refurbishment
Wildcat Mobile Technologies has industry leading specialists with extensive experience in mobile technology solutions. From senior designers to master carpenters and project managers, we have built a team that is not just ready to get the job done, but is committed to exceeding your expectations. We provide attention to detail and quality control for all aspects surrounding your Datavan refurbishment. We go through it from top to bottom to make it function like new.

Satellite Uplink Trailers
Well sites are usually remote from typical communications connections, therefore a mobile satellite trailer provides the necessary connectivity for well site data streaming. This is a VSAT terminal that can both transmit and receive data to anywhere in the world. These specialty trailers can be as simple as a small flat deck trailer with a satellite dish mounted on it, with storage provisions. The necessary electronics are carried in a separate flyaway case, in the back of the tow vehicle as is the small generator used to power the system. These are inexpensive solutions but require a bit more attention to fuel levels and set up steps. Better equipped Satellite Trailers have built-in air conditioned equipment racks, stabilizers, pneumatic masts, locking storage compartments, better satellite systems, and are easy to set up and operate for days without attention. Wildcat is pleased to discuss these, and other, satellite uplink solutions with you.
Well Site Phone/Internet Services
These are available with the satellite uplink trailers using the same VSAT service, or sometimes can be available from a Bonded Cellular Network if it is within range of the well site. Please consult with Wildcat about how to provide full communications to your well site.

Data Links within the Well Site (connectivity)
Each well site has many pieces of equipment that must send data back and forth to the Datavans and to offsite managers. To accomplish this effectively, each piece of equipment needs to have its Rx and Tx antennas high enough above the site to assure signals are not interrupted by activity on the ground. Wildcat accomplishes this by raising a self contained 30’ mast on each piece of equipment which then connects the Receive and Transit antennas to their respective transceivers. This is accomplished using wireless technology so trouble prone cables are not used for this critical process. Please contact Wildcat for more information on how we accomplish this new level of well site data management and connectivity.